Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that results from wear and tear on the joint as we age.

The condition is generally diagnosed with x-rays which demonstrate osteophytes (bone spurs) and joint space narrowing.

Staying physically active, participating in physical therapy or home exercise programs, and use of topical and oral pain medications as needed are helpful to improve symptoms, but as the process worsens it can interfere with daily life.

We offer minimal-invasive alternatives that have been demonstrated to prolong or even prevent the need for surgery.


Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in synovial (joint) fluid that lubricates the joint and has anti-inflammatory properties that inhibit enzymes and markers responsible for joint degradation (MMPs, Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha), pain, and inflammation (IL-1 Beta).

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet rich plasma utilizes the growth factors and cytokines stored in the alpha-granules of platelets to promote healing through paracrine (close) and endocrine (distant) cell signaling which triggers fibroblast proliferation and type I collagen production resulting in faster healing times and return to activity.

Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M)

Alpha-2-Macroglobulin is a naturally occurring macromolecule present in low concentrations in circulation and joint fluid that function as a inhibitor of proteases responsible for joint degradation as well as a transporter of growth factors and cytokines when used in combination with platelet rich plasma.

Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC)

Bone Marrow is a naturally occurring storage for stem cells. Similar to platelet rich plasma, BMAC utilizes paracrine (local) and endocrine (distant) signaling to promote homeostasis of the tissue environment it is placed, as well as provide regenerative properties unique to stem cells.

If you have suffered from tendon pain for more than 6 weeks, conservative approaches haven’t helped, and are interested in discussing minimally invasive treatment, please call our office (269) 883-6052 or contact us to schedule a consultation.